
Birth Control Detox Continued...

My sinuses aren’t as bad as they used to be! I’m fairly certain it’s the D-Calcium supplements mentioned before. I woke up this morning and could actually breath through my nose! So exciting! I guess this mixed with the Salba is working out well.
Once again, the Naturopath prescribed the D-Calcium Glucarate (brand and details in past post) to rip out excess estrogen. She suggested I pick up some Salba seeds as well to help pull the extra estrogen from the digestive track.
I am also on a Thyroid supplement consisting of Iodine and Selenium.

I haven’t mentioned Salba much, but it is completely worth mentioning. These are Chia Seeds (yes the ones you made Chia Pets out of). They are tasteless and almost completely fiber. I looked for more information on them and here are the key benefits:
15 x more magnesium than broccoli
·         7 x more vitamin C than oranges
·         6 x more calcium than milk
·         3 x more antioxidants than blueberries
·         3 x more iron than spinach
In addition, Chia seeds contain the highest levels of Omega 3 essential fatty acids of any plant, and is rich in fiber while being gluten-free.
I am only taking a tablespoon or two of Chia seeds. If you’re wondering why they are called Salba it is just because there are 2 colors. The white brand Salba is said to have more nutrients than the black Chia seeds.

As for the rest of how I am doing; I started having a LOT of anxiety. I called my naturopath and she told me it could be related to the Iodine. She told me to scale it down so I will keep an eye on how I feel tomorrow.
I guess sometimes it’s easy to think that all these ailments are separate from each other, but in the grand scheme of things, all organs, endocrines and body energies react and affect one another. I am almost certain once the hormones are balanced I will correct the insulin resistance, PCOS & Hypo Thyroid. Estrogen Dominance I believe is where it is all coming from.

Now to start my diet blog :)

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